Monday, July 25, 2005

Tabloid Four

Topanga was arrested for being the head of a Photoshop ring. She was busted while making pictures of her unannounced trip to Hawaii to be later posted as if she went. LeoJW was her accomplice. He cried when they yelled at him to drop the mouse. Yard Dinner will be watched by Will. No pie for no one now. *tear*

Phoenix_89 is running for president. A poster for his campaign has been leaked. It has him flicking off the camera with the caption “I Want To F**K YOU.” ElementSkateGrl is said to be vice President. She has a similar picture with her though her caption says “I want to F**K you too!” They are sponsored by the LPF (Legalize Pot Foundation) and the Girls Can Skate To You Loser! (GCSYL).

A spaceship has landed in BS and Trey05 was thrown out. The aliens regret taking him. However they still have Jacob because he knows the magic of M&Ms and probing.

Mvwriter and Bobwantsyou got into a bloody cat fight outside of Tomtyke’s house. He had the video camera out recording blow by blow. It is uncertain if he provoked such a fight but it is known he has been with both women during the past week. Several witnesses state they’ve heard three voices going at it. So maybe he had both at the same time? Smart man.

Seren_dipity and TrappedInMyMind have left us. They used BS as a hideout and then left when they got what they wanted from GayLand. You can’t taste BS and then leave forever. They’ll be back. Yeah they will. It was said they left because they were getting hit on women and that wasn’t going to cut it for them. So they vaginas scared them away.

Speaking of vaginas…Big Mac With Cheese has randomly attacked pedestrians as she walked down the street. The cops have tried to cattle prod her but it only made her more angry. They have yet to catch her. Be careful.

Ub2019 has taken Agent69 and hidden her from all. It’s not really understood what he’s doing but it’s apparent that he’s not using her as a sex slave. He’s using her more like a maid. His friends have said his house has become amazingly clean. It’s weird because he isn’t a very clean person so to see his home so the clean has freaked them out. They looked all over the house to find out where he was hiding all the trash when they found Agent69 bound and gagged. They promise they didn’t take advantage of her while they called the cops on him. But they might be the three guys who were rushed to the hospital because of having their penis bitten off. Ub2019 must have moved her because when the cops arrived they didn’t find a trace of her where the “witnesses” said they saw her. So if you’ve seen her call the appropriate authorities so that this mystery can be solved.

Besides beating the blood out of someone’s body Bobwantsyou has went into the movie business. She has hired mostly friends and has started filming a horror film. The film that was found was not of a horror film but an orgy. Surprised? Shouldn’t be. Though if you want to see it you should have been at Ronald_mcd’s house yesterday because he got drunk enough to share the video with several people. Soon he had people coming in from all over to view it—for a fee of course. They had to bring beer. 6 pack for one person and 12 for 2 and so forth. Ashxo denies funding the film and says that there really is a horror film being made. But if you saw the orgy film you might think it was the horror film in question. The film company BS All The Time wants to know where the Horror film is and state they did NOT fund a porn no matter what the video states in the beginning.

Minion123 has not been on in a few days mainly because he actually got a ticket to Live8 and saw Pink Floyd in London and instead of getting back to England he decided to be a groupie even though there are no future dates for Pink Floyd.

The famous Bunne was spotted hoping around the BS forum but it was a shock to some to find out she wasn’t really here at all. Some are still at a lost for they never saw the Bunne for real.

Thesmartdude has appeared at a barn and has been trying very hard to get rid of two cows. But even though there is a major cow lover in BS he just couldn’t get rid of it. Nobody seems to want a cow no matter how much milk they give. If the cows could be slaughtered I’m sure there would be lots of steak lovers salivating for a piece of that meat. The mooing is relaxing. I’ll buy one to moo me to sleep.

A bad case of mono has been found in the kissing thread. Too bad.

A bad case of AIDs was found in the “would you have sex with the person above you” thread. Really too bad.

Will’s “Thing” became a thread topic. Really, really too bad.

Every single thing has turned into a contest in BS. The movie thread had everyone pulling out movies from their grade school their mommy filmed just so they could win at seeing the most movies. Moving the most also turned into a huge deal as in “I moved more than you did har, har, har!” But the on thing that won’t turn into a contest is “I’m more emo than you” because emo backlash was found in the emo hair thread. Hate on the boys with the long hair. Some of them did look a little like a girl. Pigtails would rock their socks man.

Rayist has put on display his art work. It has got good reviews from several people but not enough to ensure its greatness. It is an interesting set of art work. But I’ll be more interested on how he handles the negative. So far the majority that have seen it have come out of the exhibit of work with a huge smile of WOW so that could be a great thing for him. His other sets have no dates set to when they’ll be shown. He did state that he photoshoped them with his face and his brother’s. But that would be a lie because he owns a basement and in that basement are several people that have been mutilated to fit his artistic design. He has mutilated people and sowed them together and then forced them to have their pictures taken. Yes Rayist is a sick, sick person. Boo on him and his evil.

There have been rumors about the validly of several of the newly made Jedi as if they shouldn’t exist. The whispering has occurred in the shadows so the exact person who said it can’t really be reveled. But it was one person who was speaking to one Jedi. There’s slander in Jedi land. If the Jedi slander there is no hope for the rest of us.

The Wall Of Random has extended another few hundred feet due to public need. The wall was created for all the random tags that were occurring to all the buildings. The idea was to keep all the random in one place. But unbeknownst to the creator and those that agreed the wall has taken over the city. It has become longer and larger than any other wall and buildings that exist. There is more concrete that makes that wall than in any building of all the city. There are even rumors that the wall has more concrete than any building in the nation. It has become a mainstay and a token to BS but there are always terrorist threats to destroy it. No security has been placed to protect the wall but it gets so many visitors a day the city thinks there is no need.

Rissa812 was heard in the bathroom puking her guts out after she ate a banana. She was seen, also, stabbing a voodoo doll that looked a lot like Phoenix_89. In a related story Phoenix_89 has said he felt shooting pains in his penis all day. The people listening to his speech as to why he should be president found that odd. Now they shouldn’t. Voodoo is real. Tell your children.

The horror movie may not have been made but BS is it’s own horror movie (or Whore movie) and Dajumez is still well and alive. Booya!

RubDaPimp is compiling a new list for his classic Pimp List. Wanna be on the list? Tag him and say so.

Darphbobo’s ghost was spotted near the library. It was also spotted around the watering hole trying to drink water. Silly ghost.

Two of BS mods have be AWOL and the reason for that is because they’ve been killed. Who did it? If you have and idea you should tag me, I would like to know.

Twelve has not been around either and that would be because he’s been dismantled. His arms and legs were found at mvwriter’s house. Why? I don’t know I’m not a detective ask Minion he’s the BS detective or so says some of y’all.

Canadass has given Airchick an avatar for Operation Confusion and it was the talk of BS for the amount of WHOA it has. Many love it and many want one just like it but with their name---Canadass’s phone has been ringing off the hook from everyone who wants an avatar made by her. Airchick’s to Canadass is hot as well but the buzz is all around Canadass’s avatar to Arichick. There are puddles of drool everywhere.

Speaking of Avatars Bobwantsyou’s picture could be found as Ashxo’s Avatar early yesterday. If you missed it I saved it just for you.

Minion has converted several to the love of Pink Floyd. Several have talked about them in the Live8 thread and two persons avatar have Pink Floyd in them. His perseverance has been working. Soon everyone will be a brick in the wall.

Be careful the eyes are watching. And until next time keep your shades close and your shoes inside.


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